Today was pretty good, we had a full day on placement, learnt loads of Greek words and Phrases I need a little book to write them into until I have them properly memorized. If nothing else I want to be able to say I can speak Greek by the end of this trip, because the language is amazing. And ofcourse would look amazing on my C.V. Me and Kyle both think our mentor is class, she is well awesome, very funny and a great teacher. I couldnt wear my dolly shoes for placement today because they hurt too much and that was in the flat, and to be honest I'm glad I didnt, the heavens had finally opened up, and so I wore my purple Converse. I worried that someone would tell me off (like in england) but nobody so much as battered an eyelid, and so I thought that with my nurses uniform on I looked Awesome (yes with a capital "A"), thusly I became Nurse Awesome, Kyle became Nurse Alfa. I had the phrase of " Nurse Awesome is looking after, you *points fingers like guns*", which gave me and kyle a massive laugh throughout the day.
We also saw some not so awesome stuff, like our first respiratory arrest (at least thats what it looked like), and honestly thought it would be our first death, luckily it wasnt. But it was quite brutal to see, and the nurse did not think the patient would make it, we felt sorry for them and the family who were outside.
After finishing our shift we left the hospital only to find it was absolutely bucketing down outside. We were drenched well before we got to the metro station, we got off at Syntagma and jumped on the tram to the next stop which is as close to Pangrati as it gets, to cut out some of the walking in the rain we would have to do. Got off the tram and tried to get on the path away from the road, and all the cars driving through massive puddles. Me and Kyle being as dippy as we are did not notice how high the curb was from the path, nor did we see the giant lake of a puddle that was below it because there were no street lights on, as you might have guessed we jumped right in it. After that we gave up trying to keep dry, and started laughing our heads off at how soaked we had become. At the traffic lights we met some American students and started chatting with them, getting to know them as we all struggled up the banks of Pangrati, up stairs that had so much water pouring down them they looked like water features. One of the Americans was really funny and kept river dancing in the puddles and once tried to breakdance in them. this made us all laugh. Kyle and I gave them our names so they could add us on FaceBook and we could all go out for drinks sometime, they are a well funny lot, should be some good nights out ahead.
got back to the flat without falling on my face or my behind, which was a plus.
A most interesting day.
Goodnight x
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