Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Back to the Past??

Today was my first day on placement in the red cross hospital of Athens, and lets just say it was . . .  "different". We met the Director of Nursing for the hospital and she was really nice, very laid back, which pretty sums up all of the staff in the hospital. We were briefly shown around the areas we would be working in and then dropped off on our placement ward, luckily Kyle is on the same ward as me and we work the same shifts. We met a nurse called Stella and for some reason she just reminds me of my mum, which was nice and made me smile, a lot, but she will be looking after us mainly. I later worked with what I assumed was the athenians version of a healthcare asssistant, Maria, we had a good laugh and were constantly giggling. I tried to ask her about the dark blue/black cardigans that some of the staff were wearing but she had no idea what I was on about and started laughing which in turn set me off laughing. One of the other staff members passed me and I pointed at the cardigan and asked ifIeveryone wore these and wondered if I could get one. she completely misunderstood what I asked so I think I will broach that subject again another day, and possibly with another staff member. We did the BM's together and used different equipment to the stuff we use in england. For exmple to prick the finger we just used a small sterile needle, Maria showed me at first then let me have a go, it was a bit nerve wracking but I succeeded. After the BM's were completed we went and sat in this back room where there were kitchen amenities, and whilst drinking my water one of the other girls was rolling a cigarette, she then proceeded to light it and start smoking. In the hospital. all I kept thinking was if this was england she would be shot, but as I looked around it seemed to be a commonplace thing. The Greeks seem to be big on their smoking, it was like I had travelled back in time, when smoking on the wards was perfectly normal. Another big shock of the day, how laid back even the higher ups are, this would never ever happen back in the UK, even the doctors are laid back wandering around in their jeans, T-shirt and labcoat, some of the staff mucnhed on sandwiches, cakes and other things on the ward. I just thought it was hilarious, the fact that they didnt seem bothered by anything. I did however notice a lot of discrepancies in their practice compared to ours such as a lack of hoists, slidesheets, etc. But for all its differences, discrepancies and bizarreness, I loved every minute of it, I think it is a great place to learn. all the staff are very friendly, they will come and chat to you, ask where you are from and if with them in a procedure, they will also explain in good English what their doing, why, etc. I had my first cheese pie, its like a pasty, but by the gods greggs has nothing on the greeks when it comes to these, they are gorgeous. I can now say in Greek "I'm sorry but I cant speak Greek, I'm English", I'm quite proud of that little phrase and have decided that from now on when we all get a taxi I will sit in the front so I can haggle with them, after being conned by one of them today, for something that probably would have coast less than 10 euros between us cost us 4 euros each, which is rather expensive, but I'm quite happy to sit and argue with them about prices.
Kyle and I went out for a meal tonight and it was lush, we were walking down one of the streets when a man shouts for us to come look at the menu for his restaurant, as we get closer we realise we had asked him for directions the other day, he realised this as well as he recognised us also. we had some traditional Greek food, and i can't remember what its called but it was like a ton of pork chunks and french fries. It was very tasty, and would have it again, although i couldnt finish it as it was just too much for me. Yes me of all people got full.
Anyways, I'm currently drinking cheap wine in the flat and rather enjoying it, thanks to Kyle we all have a day off tomorrow, so I can have a lie in, thank god for that cause I'm nackered. These past few days have worn me out and I'm glad of the break, but we will probably end up doing something and my poor little feet will shout at me. Again! I'm missing my family a fair bit now and can't wait to see them in a month or two.
That is all from me today, and i'll be honest, it because I cant see straight. (personally i blame the wine).

Goodnight x

P.S. maybe some pics tomorrow, we will see what happens and what I happen to see.

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